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    Solder Paste formulae designed for today’s Surface Mount Technologies.
All AMTECH solder pastes are available for immediate delivery in jars, cartridges, syringes and
ProFlow Cassettes.They are also available in FreshMix(TM)  kits. Our customer representatives are ready
to discuss your SMT requirements. We offer a short turn around time on orders and can ship to meet
your just-in-time requirements. To help us meet your particular needs, please provide us with information
on your alloy, flux type, powder size and packaging preferences. If you are not sure which combination
is best for your process or have questions regarding soldering techniques, procedures or products, our
technical support staff will assist you.
AMTECH is committed to bringing you the most advanced solder paste formulations
available; and we back our products with a highly trained staff which is ready to
support you with all of your present and future assembly requirements.

粵公網(wǎng)安備 44030602001479號

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